Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

Application Details of Operation timed out, The server has no more connections available, Cannot find the file, Your network may not be set up to handle a live broadcast connection, Your network may not be set up to handle a live broadcast connection, File is corrupted, Cannot perform the requested action, Cannot perform the requested operation, Cannot play the file

Error Id:800C2EE2
Error Code:Operation timed out
Error Message:Windows Media Player cannot connect to a required server due to a network problem. You might encounter this error message for the following reasons: * You are trying to play protected content (for example, music that you downloaded from a music service such as Napster or Music Now) and your Internet connection settings are preventing the Player from downloading updated security components. To resolve the problem, in Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options, click the Connections tab, click the LAN Settings button, and then clear the Automatically detect settings check box. Also verify that your proxy server settings are correct. * The server is not online or is busy. Try again later.
Error Id:C00D000F
Error Code:The server has no more connections available
Error Message:Windows Media Player cannot connect to the server that has the file you want to play because the server is not allowing any new connections. Try again later.
Error Id:C00D001F
Error Code:Cannot find the file
Error Message:Windows Media Player cannot find the file. If you typed a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the Open URL dialog box, ensure that the file name is spelled correctly and the path to the file is correct, and then try again. If you clicked a link on a Web page, the link might not be valid.
Error Id:C00D07F1
Error Code:Your network may not be set up to handle a live broadcast connection
Error Message:When Windows Media Player tries to connect to a live broadcast and does not receive a response within 20 seconds, it cancels the connection attempt. This usually indicates either: * Your network is not configured to handle a multicast connection. * The live broadcast you are attempting to connect to has ended. Dial-up connections in particular often do not support this type of broadcast.
Error Id:C00D07F2
Error Code:Your network may not be set up to handle a live broadcast connection
Error Message:When Windows Media Player tries to connect to a live broadcast and does not receive a response within 20 seconds, it cancels the connection attempt. This usually indicates either: * Your network is not configured to handle a multicast connection. * The live broadcast you are attempting to connect to has ended. Dial-up connections in particular often do not support this type of broadcast.
Error Id:C00D080D
Error Code:File is corrupted
Error Message:Windows Media Player cannot open the file because the file is corrupted. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: * The file was modified by another program in a manner that the Player does not support. * The file was partially downloaded and saved in an incomplete state. * The program used to create the file did not create it correctly.
Error Id:C00D0BBB
Error Code:Cannot perform the requested action
Error Message:Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action. If you received this message after trying to play a .dvr-ms file (such as a Microsoft Recorded TV Show file created by the Personal Video Recorder (PVR) in Windows XP Media Center Edition), your computer might not be configured to play this type of file. To configure your computer to support this file type, see the Windows XP Media Center Edition page at the Microsoft Web site.
Error Id:C00D0BC1
Error Code:Cannot perform the requested operation
Error Message:Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested operation. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: * The file you are trying to play is protected with a license that prohibits this operation. * You are attempting to play a .dvr-ms file that was recorded on another computer and that is protected with a license. The Personal Video Recorder (PVR) in Windows XP Media Center Edition, for example, might create a protected .dvr-ms file if the content provider (such as a television station) designated the content as protected. A protected .dvr-ms file can only be played on the computer on which it was recorded.
Error Id:C00D0BC2
Error Code:Cannot play the file
Error Message:Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required audio codec is not installed on your computer. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: * The Player is not configured to download codecs automatically. To configure the Player to download codecs automatically, on the Tools menu, click Options, click the Player tab, and then select the Download codecs automatically check box. * The required codec is not available on the codec server.
Error Id:C00D0BC8
Error Code:Cannot play the file
Error Message:Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required video codec is not installed on your computer. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: * The Player is not configured to download codecs automatically. To configure the Player to download codecs automatically, on the Tools menu, click Options, click the Player tab, and then select the Download codecs automatically check box. * The required codec is not available on the codec server.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC